About Me - Detective of the Cosmos
From a young age, I have been captivated by the universe. I vividly remember when I was five years old, my father took me to the planetarium in Buenos Aires. Growing up in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, I had never had the chance to see a sky full of stars. That trip to the planetarium was my first encounter with something truly awe-inspiring. I was deeply struck by the magic and mystery of the universe beyond our world. That feeling of standing at the edge of an abyss, ready to leap into the unknown, resonated deeply with me and shaped my path in life.
As the years went by, I became an astronomer, felt like a natural path—as if I were becoming a detective of the cosmos, solving its many mysteries. The mere thought that I could contribute to uncovering these secrets ignited a passion within me, fueling countless hours of study throughout my undergraduate and doctoral studies.
Today, as a professional astronomer, I dedicate myself to unraveling the mysteries behind the birth of stars. I use images taken with the world's most powerful telescopes, such as the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope, to answer fundamental questions like, How do stars and star clusters form and evolve in different environments within galaxies? What are the conditions necessary for star formation, and how do these conditions change over time? What role do dust and gas play in the earliest stages of star and cluster formation? How can we detect and study star-forming regions that are deeply embedded in dense molecular clouds?
TEDx RIO de la plata
Noviembre 2023
Moviestar Arena stadium - Bs. As., Argentina
More than 11.000 spectators attend the event
Research Groups: